Emerging Producer residency 2025
Tānemahuta Gray - Mentor for Emerging Producer Residency 2025
Applications close
5pm Tues 25th February 2025
recipient announced
around 18 March
Residency Dates
Monday 12 May – Sunday 22 June 2025 (6weeks)
about this residency
This is a 6-week opportunity for a Wellington based emerging producer to work alongside a Wellington choreographer, a cast and crew (of up to 3), and a producer mentor to produce a development season of a new dance theatre work. You will receive a stipend for the 6 weeks.
Over the 6 weeks; the emerging producer will be working with their mentor to prepare a funding application for this new dance theatre work. This could be submitted to Wellington City Council Arts and Culture funding (due Aug 2025), or Creative Communities Scheme (Aug 2025 round) or CNZ.
The choreographer will start their creative residency one week earlier than the emerging producer in order to develop their work in advance of the emerging producer starting. This allows for 4 weeks cross over with the choreographer and emerging producer.
The emerging producer will help to arrange an industry only showing of the work in the last week of the Dance Development Residency (on Fri 6th June). Mentors are expected to attend and offer critical feedback and advice on next steps for developing the work further.
When applying for this residency you should apply as a team* using the one application form - the choreographer should apply to the Dance Development Residency and the Producer to the Emerging Producer Residency, as you will both be working on the same submitted project. On the application form, complete the relevant sections individually as well as together.
*Preference will be given to a team of applicants, however individuals are still welcome to apply as we may be able to match you with a respective Choreographer or Emerging Producer.
mentor for 2025
Tānemahuta Gray (Ngāi Tahu, Rangitāne, Tainui, Scottish, English)
Tānemahuta holds the Kaihautū role for Wheako Pōneke Experience Wellington and is the Mātanga Toi Māori for Performing Arts Network New Zealand (PANNZ). He recently held the positions of Kahukura / Kaiarataki Toi - CEO & Artistic Director of Taki Rua Productions for the past 8 years. He has 29 years professional experience as an event producer, theatre director and choreographer of over 30 events, festivals and productions including the Oceania work at the Shanghai World Expo Opening Ceremony. He has guest choreographed the Aotearoa Section for WOW – World of WearableArt Awards since 2010, as well as co-produced and artistically directed New Zealand’s largest scale bi-cultural productions including Māui – One Man Against The Gods, Arohanui – The Greatest Love, Tiki Taane Mahuta and Hatupatu | Kurungaituku: A Forbidden Love. In 2018 Tānemahuta choreographed the Broadway Musical workshop lab for Otherworld in New York, working with some of Broadways’ top designers and performers.
Tānemahuta sits on the CNZ advocacy panel Te Rōpū Mana Toi.
Tānemahuta’s performing career included him spending five years performing for Argentinean aerial theatre company De La Guarda’s production Villa Villa in London, Las Vegas, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Berlin, Seoul and Sydney.
Emerging Producer stipend for 6 weeks $4,200.
Paid Producer Mentor for 5 sessions including industry showing.
This opportunity is suitable for someone who has some foundational experience in the performing arts. You may have been involved with community events, festivals, dance, theatre, music, kapa haka or other performing arts events. Even if you have only dabbled in these types of events, this could be the perfect professional development opportunity for you, as you will have the support of an industry mentor.
Applicants must be:
· New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.
· Wellington based emerging event producer or event organiser.
· Currently residing in Wellington City* and be intending to live in Wellington for at least one year after they complete the residency.
* Wellington City based New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. You must have a current Wellington City address at the time of application. If you are short listed you will be required to verify this address and your NZ residency status.
An independent panel appointed by Toi Pōneke will select the successful candidate.
Applicants will be assessed on the following:
your work experience - background CV
Aho Tini Strategic Outcomes - connection with communities
future aspirations and outcomes for the project
Terms and conditions
Successful applicants will be required to sign the Toi Pōneke Residency Agreement before any payments are made.
How to apply
When applying for this residency you should apply as a team* using the one application form - the choreographer should apply to the Dance Development Residency and the Producer to the Emerging Producer Residency, as you will both be working on the same submitted project. On the application form, complete the relevant sections individually as well as together.
*Preference will be given to a team of applicants, however individuals are still welcome to apply as we may be able to match you with a respective Choreographer or Emerging Producer.
Applications will include:
1. A filled in application form – Click to download application form as word doc.
2. Attach CV’s for all personnel working on the project
Please do not send multiple emails or messages.
Please combine all of your documents into one PDF.
To apply, upload your PDF to our One Drive folder below.
Any questions regarding this opportunity please email:
Sascha Perfect - sascha.perfect@wcc.govt.nz – Public Programmer, Toi Pōneke Arts Centre.
Key Dates
Call for submissions
Tuesday 25 February
Applications close at 5pm
Around 18 March
Recipient announced
5 May
Morning tea welcome to Toi Pōneke
9 May
1st mentoring session
12 May
Residency at Toi Pōneke begins - 6 weeks
Friday 6th June
Industry Showing
22 June
Residency finishes