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Toi Pōneke Arts Centre - New Zealand School of Music - Te Kōki Sound Art Residency 2019/2020


Call for applications

Toi Pōneke Arts Centre and the New Zealand School of Music - Te Kōki are pleased to announce the 4th annual Sound Art Residency, with a call for submissions.

What’s on offer

With support from Toi Pōneke and NZSM, the successful candidate will undertake a 12-week residency, which could culminate in an exhibition at Toi Pōneke Gallery, and/ or a series of public programmes. The candidate will have access to the Lilburn Studios and Sonic Arts Lab at NZSM, along with other equipment and resources depending on the nature of the work undertaken and subject to the availability of these resources. Toi Pōneke will provide the candidate with a studio space to work, the gallery space for an exhibition for 3 weeks. The successful candidate will also be provided logistical support, and assistance with publicising activities associated with the residency. They will be provided a stipend to help support them during their 12-week programme $6450.00 (gross) and a flat materials grant of $500 towards their exhibition.  At the completion of the residency the successful candidate will be required to provide a report and provide feedback on their residency to Toi Pōneke and NZSM.


Applicants must be:

• Professional emerging or mid-career artists with a record of achievement. Students or artists within one year of finishing under-graduate study are not eligible to apply.

• New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.

• Wellington-based artists with a history of sound art practice. Preference will be shown to candidates that propose projects seeking interaction with NZSM, other Toi Pōneke residents, and most importantly the greater Wellington art community and general public.

• Currently residing in Wellington City*, and intending to live in New Zealand for at least one year after they complete the residency.

• Able to commit to a minimum of 25 hours per week on their project

• Available for an interview should they be shortlisted

• Applicants must be available in Wellington during their exhibition to attend to any technical upkeep should it arise between Monday 6 January – Sunday 2 February 2020.

Wellington City* - based New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. You must provide evidence that you have lived in Wellington City on a semi-permanent basis over the past 3 years. And you must have a current Wellington City address at the time of application. If you are shortlisted you will be required to verify this address and your NZ residency status.

Terms and conditions

Successful applicants will be required to:

• Sign the Toi Pōneke - NZSM Sound Art Residency Agreement

• Agree to the Toi Pōneke Arts Centre Studio Agreement and Terms and Conditions

• Agree to the terms and conditions in the Toi Pōneke exhibition pack


A panel appointed by Toi Pōneke Arts Centre and New Zealand School of Music will select the successful candidate.

Selection criteria will include:

• A specific artistic rationale for wishing to be the Toi Pōneke - New Zealand School of Music - Te Kōki Sound artist in resident

• The quality and significance of the proposed residency project. This may include research, creating a new body of work and/or artistic collaborations

• Ability to develop networks and work collaboratively

• Quality of confirmed or potential outcomes

How to apply

Uploading to our Dropbox is preferred; please do not send multiple emails or messages, please combine all of your documents into one downloadable PDF.

Applications should include the following, but not be limited to - in this order:

1.    A filled in application form (see button for template)

2.    An artist CV and a 300 – 500 word artist biography and a photograph of the applicant.

3.    At least 10 images of recent work that reflects your practice. Images should reflect how your work has been presented in exhibitions, performances and/or events.

4.    Audio and/or video examples of your work. Please post these examples online, and provide links within your application form.

5.    A project proposal detailing:

·         Innovative and unique ideas to present works through an exhibition and/or public programmes

·         If an exhibition is part of your proposal – an exhibition plan for Toi Pōneke Gallery including sketches and indications of materials/equipment and how the space will be used

·         If an exhibition is not part of your proposal – a strong plan for public programming and performance ideas is recommended

·         An indication of your use of time and resources. A basic timeline is recommended

·         A brief statement about the potential outcomes of this residency and what receiving this opportunity would mean to you as the applicant

6.    Please label your application: “soundartapplication2019_firstname_lastname”

7.    Please submit your application to our dropbox via this link

We will issue you with a receipt of application

8.    Please see our handy hints and tips document for writing proposals before you start.


Any questions regarding this opportunity please contact:

Paora Allen

Manager, Toi Pōneke Arts Centre



Key Dates:

Date range: 1 October 2019 - 7 February 2020

Application dates:

Applications open: Monday 22 July

Applications close: Sunday 11 August midnight

Interviews with shortlisted candidates: 19 – 23 August

Successful candidate announced: 2 September.

Residency dates:

Welcome: Monday 30 September

Residency starts:  Tuesday 1 October

NZSM induction: TBC

Residency ends: Friday 20 December

Residency report due: by Monday 17 February

Exhibition dates:

Exhibition install: 6 – 9 January 2020

Exhibition runs: 10 January – 1 February

Closing event /celebration /performance: week of Monday 27 January

Exhibition de-install: Sunday 2 February

Earlier Event: 10 July
Accounting & Budgeting Essentials
Later Event: 26 July
four songs, played twice