with Engaging Well
10am to 1pm, 15 Sept 2022
Upper Chamber
Celebrate Māori language week and join Aperahama Hurihanganui from Engaging Well for this meaningful Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop.
Explore the historical context and background of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the differences between the Māori text and the English text, Crown breaches and their impact on Māori, its legal status, and its relevance and application in the modern day.
Returning after a sell-out workshop last year, book now to secure your spot as spaces are limited.
Contact Sharifa for more information or booking support:
Sharifa.Isaako@wcc.govt.nz | 021 274 4134
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- Posted in workshop
- Tagged Te Reo, te tiriti o waitangi, learning