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2024 Visual Artist in residence announcement

Mitchell Manuel

Toi Pōneke Arts Centre is proud to announce Mitchell Manuel as our 2024 Visual Artist in Residence.

Mitchell Manuel is a digital artist of Cook Island Māori (Ngāti Toora, Ngāti Apai, Ngāti Taraare) Tahitian, Scottish (clan Brown/Broun) and Portuguese descent. He was born and raised in Tāmaki-Makaurau Auckland, and now lives in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Manuel is an innovative, multi-talented creative with a background in film and television (actor, script writer, Gofta award winner), digital textile design and fashion. 

“I have been developing my creative practice through various modes for decades, and have discovered that working as a digital artist is a way for me to combine and build on all of these threads into a single medium. The possibilities for expression and innovation through my digital art are extensive.

I want to make comparisons between different works of art in order to better understand their shared elements. I hope to use literature reviews or interviews with artists or experts in the field to further develop my understanding.

Specific points of research interest include: the journey of the Scots to Aotearoa; post Battle of Culloden in 1746; The Clearances; banning of the wearing of Tartan; the wearing of kilts up until the arrival of Captain James Cook in New Zealand in 1769, my own Great Grandfather George Outhor Brown’s journey; the development of Koru and Tīvaevae as art forms.

 I am excited about the possibility of deepening my mātauranga base and my technical digital skills to take my “Tartan meets Koru” project forward in a significant way, supporting me in my personal exploration and creative expression, as well as providing a platform for all of us in Aotearoa New Zealand to enjoy, engage with, and consider our unique identities forged from a diverse heritage.”


 For more information on other Toi Pōneke Residencies click here