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Cory Champion

11 January – 2 February 2019

Live Performance: 5.30pm Thursday 31 January 2019 

Artist Talk: 1pm Friday 1 February 2019

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Drummer and artist Cory Champion works with percussion instruments and recording and amplifying devices to create a constantly evolving, acousmatic soundscape from analogue and digital sources.

Methodically recording the unique sounds of cymbals, drums and drum machines in his studio space, Champion builds richly textural arrangements of these acoustic and synthesised sounds, from which he composes augmented soundscapes. He describes his process as akin to carving a sculpture – starting with the raw, mass material, then reducing and shaping it, to create an aural form.

This soundscape plays in the gallery space alongside the sculptural works; drums and cymbals are amplified and placed in particular gallery locations, with the invitation to be played. When they are struck, the action both emits a sound and kicks off a compositional chain reaction, randomly modulating the immersive, harmonic and hypnotic soundscape experienced in the space.


Cory Champion is the 2018/19 Toi Pōneke – New Zealand School of Music Sound Artist in Residence

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